Friday, January 07, 2005

Wickedly Perfect Baked Apple Recipe

I watched the show last night & had mixed feelings about it. I would have loved to have a chance to show off my creative talents but I'm not sure I could deal with all the egos & cattiness. I would have instantly become "The Bitch" of the show the minute my team members came home from a day of shopping with fake flowers for the apple theme centerpiece. I have no idea if the show will be a hit or not because I honestly don't watch reality TV, so let me know what you thought of it.
Here's something ironic. On the show, apples were the week's theme & I made baked apples for dessert last night. They are so simple to make.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Core the apples (do not go all the way through the bottom). In the center of the apple layer 1 TBSP of brown sugar, 1/2 TBSP of butter, 1 TBSP of honey, 1/2 TBSP of cinnamon & top it off with raisins. Place apples in a baking/casserole dish & cook for 20 - 30 minutes(until apples are tender). Garnish with whipped cream. The cooking time will depend on the type of apple that you use. I used Rome apples.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 10:18 AM 4 comments



At 7:54 AM, Blogger Jessica Moreau Berry said...

YOU ARE SO HAPPY YOU DIDN'T GET IT! I didn't see it....but the girls are all ready going off about it! Most wont watch it again! One gal described it as OBNOXIOUS! Thankfully we had a snow storm last night and lost I wasn't tempted to go there!


At 12:17 PM, Blogger foodiechickie said...

That sounds so tasty!

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