Last night Tom & I got all dressed up & went to Carnegie Hall to see Brian Wilson. He played lots of Beach Boys classics, but he also played his entire new cd, Smile. Smile is a very elaborate rock symphony. It was a great show. There were some people smoking weed at the show, which was so funny to Tom & I . Marijuana & Carnegie Hall just don't seem to go together.
I think it takes many listens to really take in all that Brian Wilson was inventing at the time to expand everyone's take on what pop music is allowed to do...I found after many times hearing the whole thing that I finally got what he was saying about our journey through life, particularly the specific American take on it all. It's a beautiful piece of art that shows his painful progression through his teen years into an artist that just wanted to find his smile...
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109778646476576762">At 4:41 PM,
Unknown said...
So jealous! I just watched the documentary of his concert in Los Angeles.
Can't wait to hear the record.
At 3:32 AM,
Anonymous said...
I think it takes many listens to really take in all that Brian Wilson was inventing at the time to expand everyone's take on what pop music is allowed to do...I found after many times hearing the whole thing that I finally got what he was saying about our journey through life, particularly the specific American take on it all. It's a beautiful piece of art that shows his painful progression through his teen years into an artist that just wanted to find his smile...
At 4:30 PM,
lamiss ibrahim said...
افضل موقع متخصص في العقارات في المملكه العربيه السعوديه