Sunday, January 09, 2005

Maya Angelou's Cookbook

I've been reading Maya Angelou's cookbook Hallelujah! Her book has great Southern/Soul food recipes, as well as touching & amusing stories to accompany them. That's exactly what I want in my cookbook; family recipes & family stories & memories to go with the food (though I'm not as eloquent a writer as Maya Angelou).
I've had requests for crockpot recipes(including Jes' moose challenge) so I'll begin posting some tomorrow.
Ms. Angelou included in her book this great quote from her grandmother.
"Sister the world might try to put you on a road that you don't like. First stop and look behind you. If nothing back there makes you want to return, then look ahead. If nothing ahead beckons you enough to keep you going, then you have to step off that road and cut yourself a brand-new path"

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 4:30 PM 4 comments



At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you mean moose as in the animal or chocolate?

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