Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Goal Time

I set a big goal for myself & I'm making it public (so I can't chicken out). I am going to have all of my family recipes tested & the stories about them written in 6 months. Yes, six months from today. I'm getting hives just thinking about it! That was the whole purpose of this site in the first place & I've been pretty slack about it. I guess that means I have to make at least 2 recipes a week, which, for most people wouldn't be so difficult. For me it's another story. I work 3-4 nights a week, so dinner is on the go those nights. Tom & I love to go out to eat at least once a week. I'm not the greatest chef in the world & oh yeah, most of my family members do not write their recipes down. I will not let any of the above deter me. Wish me luck.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 9:01 PM 3 comments