Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone, or for those of you who do not celebrate it, Happy Spring. For some reason, Easter always feels like the official start of spring to me. It probably has something to do with the new colorful dresses I got around this time when I was a young girl. My family's tradition is to have an Easter Brunch. Momma makes a ham & serves it with hard boiled eggs, oranges & lemons all sliced & laid out on a platter. There's lot of pastries & breads, but the highlight is Poppa's frittata. It's about 2 inches thick & loaded with eggs, lots of varieties of cheese & Italian meats. HMMMM so good but, not really good for you! Tom & I are not going to RI this year but, we are going to a brunch. Only we'll be having brunch at 2pm not 10am. Now that I think of it, my family's brunch is actually a breakfast! Enjoy your day!!!!

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 2:02 PM 3 comments