Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Trader Joe's

I've been hearing all the type for years. Friend's would rent cars just to drive to Jersey and buy cases of their wine. I've been to parties & inquired about a dish only to be told it came already prepared from them. Well, they opened a NYC store a couple of months ago & I finally decided to check it out. I went around 7pm & did not have to wait in line just to enter the store (amazing feat, apparently). OK. I was very impressed. Their prices are excellent. They have a wide variety fresh foods, prepared, cheeses, cereals, frozen goods & treats. And their sales associate's are quite pleasant. Which is unbelieveable, considering that the place is mobbed all day long, & they can not keep the shelves stocked no matter how hard they try. I made out like a bandit! My paper bag was full & the total cost was $31. Everything I purchased was organic, including the cereal, salsa, tortilla chips, coffee, peanut butter, edaname, snap peas, & so on & so on.

I couldn't wait to show Tom all of my finds the minute he walked in the door from work. I do not reccommend this, because you probably will not get the enthusiastic response you are looking for. He came around an hour later while munching on soy & flax tortilla chips dipped in spicy pico de gallo. Now we are going to plan our own trip to Jersey. We'll go on a day trip to Trader Joe's & Costco. I have a feeling this is not exactly what my man had in mind when he mentioned little summer gataways in our grandma mobile.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 4:09 PM 11 comments



At 1:58 PM, Blogger kenju said...

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At 1:58 PM, Blogger kenju said...


Please tell me where the NYC store is so I can tell my daughter about it. Sounds wonderful. Michele sent me.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Kara said...

There was much yuppie celebration to be had in my little spot of the world when a Trader Joe's opened up here. I've been, it's fun. here via michele today


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Liquid Sky Arts said...

I love Trader Joes too... we always joke it has the best flowers and wine! That's so great that you've got one now too.

On the flipside, ever since our visit to NY... I've been craving Dean & DeLuca like crazy!


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Tracie Nall said...

Oh I am jealous! There isn't a Trader Joe's anywhere near where I live, but when I go to Arizona to visit my family I always make them go there with me-I love that place!


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Leslie always sends me something from Trader Joes...and it's alaways someyhing sweet and chocolatey...doesn't she know what a chocolate whore I am???

We will have to go to it when I come in the fall!!



At 10:26 PM, Blogger i *heart* paper said...

Sorry...totally unrelated to your post, but thought you might enjoy these pics of Rocky Point!



At 1:41 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

Oh I'm so glad you have a TJ's now! I grew up on their goods, and I can't imagine my life without them!

Next time you're there, try their pesto layer dip. TO DIE FOR! I can eat the whole tray if I'm feeling risque!


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

Oh I'm so glad you have a TJ's now! I grew up on their goods, and I can't imagine my life without them!

Next time you're there, try their pesto layer dip. TO DIE FOR! I can eat the whole tray if I'm feeling risque!

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