Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Attitude

The honeymoon did us wonders. Not only did we came back relaxed, recharged & rearing to go. We also had some realizations. We definitely need to get out the city more often, even if just for a weekend. Our lives are so fast paced, stress, anxiety filled, that it all seems normal until we leave. NYC fight or flight mentality is bad for our health & we need to give our bodies & minds a break from it on a regular basis.

I had some major realizations of my own. One is that I do tend to over extend myself & then it takes forever to finish projects that are started. My focus has been resifted to finishing the gosh darn cookbook once & for all. I'm so ready to be done with it. It needs to be completed for all of you, family, friends & for myself, so that I can focus on other dreams.

I also came to the conclusion that although working with the acclaimed interior designer( see February 2nd post) may have been a good opportunity, it really wasn't the direction I wanted to take in my life. I would have to devote most, if not all of my free time to building a client base, learning, working for her, building her business, etc. The cookbook would have taken a permanent back seat. And truth be told, I really am working so hard to develop my own lifestyle company (cookbook, organizing, decorating, etc) so that I can be my own boss. And make my own hours/schedule and all of the perks that go with that. Now I feel much more clear about where I'm going. It's amazing what some free time sitting in front of the ocean will do to your head. Things suddenly become clear. You will probably notice the difference a bit, since this site will begin talking more & more about recipes & family stories again.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 2:18 PM 11 comments



At 10:33 PM, Blogger i *heart* paper said...

Welcome back!! Congratulations again. Aren't vacations wonderful!!

Looking forward to hearing more about your Lifestyle company. Sounds neat!!

Also looking forward to buying your cookbook one of these days!! I love comparing Italian recipes...each family seems to have their own little variations. Historically speaking, it's neat to read about them.

Best wishes!!


At 3:11 AM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

I peeked at where you honeymooned and it sounds like you had a perfect time at a perfect place!
Good For You!

Here from Michele, this A.M.


At 5:40 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Congratulations on your marriage, and I think I'll be checking back to see some of these recipes if your header is any indication of what they're like!!

Here from Michele's!


At 5:57 AM, Blogger Carola said...

Your married! i tell ya ive been to 8 weddings in 6 months and each and every one was beautiful, with the final wedding being one of the nicest all round *they all were beautiful honestly but when you know its the last one for a while you kinda find it more... enjoyable*
Im so glad your married! I hope one day to be married aswell but for now im rather chuffed with being single and loving it!
i wish you both the best for your married life together...
Hope to come by again and check out your site when im not so 'just going out the door'!!!!


At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(I don't know why my Bloglines account won't pick up your feeds...I sometimes realize weeks later that surely you must have posted by now...) :)

Glad to hear you're focused in on what's best for YOU right now. Sometimes we get thrown those enticing opportunities and we can get sucked into thinking they're what's right for us, when in actuality they're what's right for someone else. Glad to hear you're clear on the direction YOU want to head. :)


At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what a little time away, can do? It's really good for focussing and cobweb-clearing. I'm on the other side of that; it's been a long time since I've had any sustained time off, and I'm feeling a little crunchy. I'm glad to see that you are the opposite of crunchy right now.

I've just caught up on all your pictures. Congratulations to you and Tom! (I remember how much fun it was to be a newlywed [a shocking number of years ago], but I have to say that the longer we're married, the more fun we have with each other. :) I love your pictures; you both look like you're ready for the start of a really grand adventure.


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

yay for being relaxed and rejuvenated! :)

You must post pics over at flickr!


At 3:08 PM, Blogger carmilevy said...

Sounds like you've made the right decision for the right reason.


(Michele would agree, too!)

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