Saturday, December 05, 2009

New York State of Mind?

Alrighty then, here's another political vent coming your way. This week, right here in NY our senate voted against the gay marriage bill. I was quite surprised by this as were many of my fellow New Yorkers, especially those that live in the Big Apple. And we are angry, too. I mean it's legal in IOWA but not NY?!

I live in the fashion & financial capital of the world. A place where art, music and avant-garde theater still thrive. It's a place where gay men and women can walk down the street holding hands & display other forms of PDA without getting hassled. They work hard and raise their families just like the rest of us. They are a welcomed part of our communities. Yes not all of NY is the city. There are some pretty conservative areas. 8 Democrats voted against this bill. But the real shocker is that 6 of them represent NYC! What?! When will everyone realize that gay marriage is not a political, religious or even moral issue? It is an issue of civil rights. And they deserve to have them just like the rest of us.

Since I'm on a rant I may as well mention another issue close to my heart - Healthcare. I'm astounded that in almost 2010, we are still fighting for this issue for all Americans. I'm so over all the "It's socialism" BS. Give me a break! We are the only civilized country in the world where not everyone has the right to health care. We pay more for insurance than anyone else & in turn our insurance companies make more profit than anywhere else in the world. In fact, in most of the other countries they do not profit from their sick citizens.

Let's put in in perspective. The "public option" would help create another avenue for Americans who are uninsured, under insured, dropped by their current insurance carriers, have pre-existing conditions or simply can't afford their current plans. They then would form quite a large group that can then compete with the big insurance companies. What? Did I say COMPETE? The public option would finally help create real COMPETITION for the multi-billion dollar insurance companies?! Why that's sooooo un-American!

Any conservative Democrat or Republican Senator that is against the public option is in the pocket of these big insurance companies. Do not be fooled. They do not have your best interest at heart. They do not care about protecting America from the depths of Socialism. They care about one thing only; getting campaign donations, favors, trips and presents from the big money that these insurance companies are giving to them. Come on America, we've never been closer to achieving this. Stand up and let your voices be heard before it's too late!

Whooo. OK. I'm getting off of my soapbox now. Have a good night.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 7:08 PM 1 comments