Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Snow Treats & Insomnia

I've been having such a difficult time falling asleep, lately. It's driving me(&Tom) crazy. I get up in the middle of the night & watch HGTV until the early morning. That channel makes me want to decorate! I did rearrange my living room yesterday. I told Tom we need to move to a bigger place so that apply some of what I learned.

My insomnia may have a little something to do with the way I've been eating lately. Well, I mean since Xmas. I realized this weekend that I've been acting as if it's still the holidays. HELLO! It's almost February. I've been sugar bingeing. Yes, sugar is my vice. I just can't seem to kick the habit. This weekend I bought many ingredients to make cookies for Tom's co-workers. I still haven't baked a thing, but, I have to go out & get more chocolate kisses for the peanut butter blossoms cause I ate them all! So, I'm starting the South Beach diet tomorrow. I only do phase 1 (about 2 weeks) & no sugar is allowed. I'm an all or nothing kind of gal!

I've got a question for all you snow lovers out there. Have you ever made snow ice cream? I mean from actual snow? Mary Ragan, my pilates instructor, told me that she gathered a pot of fresh snow from her balcony & made some. She adds sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, & nutmeg. I guess you can make it with anything. Heavy cream, fresh squeezed lemon juice & lemon rind sounds yummy. Mary's from Texas. TEXAS!! How does she know about this & I, a former New Englander, have never heard of anyone making anything from snow other than balls & men. At least I have something to look forward to the next time we're hit with a blizzard.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 5:02 AM 1 comments