Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I hope everyone had a fun & relaxing holiday weekend. Mine was fun, but, definitely not relaxing. The highlight happened on Sunday. We went to the theater with Tom's parents to see Spamelot on Broadway. Spamelot is a musical based on Monty Python's movie The Holy Grail. Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce & Hank Azaria star in it & Mike Nichols directs. I'm not sure what I was expecting. The reviews were great, but I kept thinking to myself - 2 hours of the movie replayed for the stage? How funny can it possibly be? How are they going to pull off the Black Knight? Well, all I can say is, I've never laughed so hard in the theater before. It was brilliant! The acting, dancing, costumes, sets & songs were so innovative. This show is not PC. They made fun of every major political group, religion, race & sexual preference. How refreshing!!! And yes, they did a very good job with the Black knight scene. After the show, the souvenirs included cans of spam & little stuffed killer rabbits. I highly recommend it to anyone coming to visit NYC.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 2:38 PM 3 comments



At 2:20 PM, Blogger Lu said...

Great story - wishing I was there laughing too!

Here via Michele


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoyed it. My mother bought the soundtrack while she was visiting us...and we played it. It sounded pretty hilarious.
