Saturday, January 07, 2006

Me Be Illin'

Well, I tried my best to fight whatever sickness was plaguing me, but finally had to go for a doctor visit. I have an upper respiratory infection, accompanied by coughing, congestion, lovely green mucus & a low grade fever. My doc is pretty Zen & did not give me any antibiotics. Just some cough medicine, lots of herbs & a note for work. I had the whole week off, which sounds more fabulous than it actually was. Much of that time I was bed ridden. Even sitting up at a computer was strenuous. When I did manage to get something done, like taking down the Xmas decorations, it took me 3x the length of time it would normally take & a nap was needed in between to complete the project. But, just being away from that loud, germ infested, dark hole, that some call a restaurant was priceless. And Tom playing my nurse maid was a bonus, too. Today I'm going to attempt to do laundry, send out the wedding invitations & make a soup (not sure which kind, yet). We'll see what actually gets accomplished before I need to hit the bed.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 12:03 PM 7 comments



At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. I've been down and out for the last week. Its just not easy when you've got a ton of stuff to do.

here is to getting well! :)


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

Glad you're feeling better!!!!

And I agree. . anytime away from work is wonderful!!!


At 12:42 AM, Blogger Lish said...

Hi Dawn! Sorry it's been so long since my last visit. I think that anitbiotics are overprescribed since most illnesses are colds which are viral and anitbiotics won't help. However, you seem to have been feeling bad for about a week which is clearly bacterial and not viral. He should have given you the meds. Hope you're better now.

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