Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Doctor in the Family

Kudos must be given to my sister-in-law Gina. She graduated from vet school in May & is officially a doctor. Whoo Hoo! We've all been on this journey with her. She emailed us updates on her rotations as well as pics like the beauty above. Then there was the time I got the mail and there was an enveloped addressed to Tom from his sis & it felt like there were cotton balls inside. The "cotton balls" turned out to be the testicles of a flying squirrel that she had neutered. She thought Tom would get a kick out of receiving such a gift......he did. So congrats Gina! you worked so very hard for this achievement & we're all proud of you.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 10:06 AM 2 comments



At 1:15 AM, Blogger Jessica Moreau Berry said...

I think I'm going be sick!

this is so freakin' funny! A big congrats to your SIL!!

How are you felling these days Mama??


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Dawn Falcone said...

I'm feeling good. Still waddling all over NYC. Did you find out when you'll visit in Sept.?