Saturday, April 16, 2005

All You Need Is Love

Do you ever have days that are just loaded with self doubt? They come on suddenly & knock you off of your feet. That little voice inside your head just won't stop yapping. "Who do you think you are trying to write a cookbook? You're no food expert or chef. So many people food bloggers know so much more than you. Getting incorporated! What for? Do you really think you'll actually make any profit!? Trying to trademark an idea - it's not going to sell!! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...." So that was yesterday for me. I was feeling pretty crappy, not a nice word, but fitting. Then Mr. Postman rang my doorbell & handed me a couple of unexpected packages. I have to tell you - they turned my mood right around.
The very talented & very busy(she's moving to a new state) Giao sent me this for my BDay. I loved everything!! I can't wait to take the handmade tote out around the city!!

The artistically gifted Jes sent me this. Could she find a more perfect book for me? I can't wait to crack it open & test a recipe or two.

Thank you Giao & Jes for making my day. And thank you all out there for your comments, suggestions, stories & friendship. There are days when I truly feel overwhelmed by what I'm trying to accomplish & think of giving up. You all keep me going! I'm so blessed to have so many smart & talented women in my life. I hope to meet all of you in person some day.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 3:09 AM 4 comments



At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dawn, What an absolutely GORGEOUS blog you have! And a fellow NYC blogger to boot! Hope you don't mind that I've blogrolled you so that I can come back again! Michele sent me this time, but next time I'm on my own. Have a great weekend and enjoy your tote!


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Jessica Moreau Berry said...

It does seem to happen that way doesn't it? I'll be having a terrible week or day, and then a package will come! Yipee for far away friends!


So how was the concert?

"her name was Rio and she dances on the sand..." (is that the way it went


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Dawn Falcone said...

Thank you all for your words of wisdom & support! LOL- Dawn


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! »