Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wedding Invites

Our wedding invitations were sent out on Monday. This means all hopes of eloping are dashed. I did get into a little tiff at the post office, so I was a wee bit worried that the postal worker may have tossed all the invites in the trash! But, she did not (I think). I asked if she could hand stamp the invitations because I did not want to put 4 different stamps on the envelopes. Honestly, she gave me an array of flowers, stars, & George Washington stamps. It would have looked hideous. She told me that the line of customers was far too long & she did not have the time for that. Hey! I stood in that ridiculously long line for 35 minutes! So, after a bit of arguing, she put one big white label stamp on them. They didn't look too pretty. And at first, she was putting them on all crooked because she was pissed off. But, the invitations themselves are very pretty. We've been getting lots of positive feedback. Tom & I designed them together without any arguing or disagreements. Whoo Hoo!

In other exciting news, I'm feeling better & returned to work yesterday, although I did struggle to stay awake past midnight. My sleeping patterns have been messed up a bit. I usually to go to bed around 3am, but last week at home I was sound asleep by 12am and I took a couple of cat naps during the day. So yesterday, I was on a double & by 3pm I was ready to sit my butt down & put my head on a table & snooze. I wonder if the customers would have minded? I can't wait until I no longer work in this biz & can be on a more normal schedule!

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 11:30 AM 16 comments



At 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

..I eloped sorta with all the kids and my wonderful new husband who is now my husband since 1995...


At 2:15 AM, Blogger Minerva said...

They look lovely and well done you for standing your ground... I think your blog is gorgeous...


Michele sent me..


At 2:22 AM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

The invites look very very pretty....You know, you could still elpoe and have your BIG Wedding, too! (LOL)

Here from Michele...!


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an invitations freak. I'm so anal about how I want my invitations to look. Maybe it's cuz I've been dreaming about my wedding for so long. Could you please tell me where you got your invitations done? They look like envelopments pocketfold style invitations done by

As I heard good reviews about this company from friends, I'm probably going to get their scroll wedding invitations and cards, but wanted to first here where you got your beautiful invites. I love them!


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Dawn Falcone said...

Cynthia, Hi. I got the invitations from They were so wonderful to work with. I did order samples which I highly recommend & did all the ordering/wording online. And, I called their 800 number & left a message & they promptly returned my call & answered all questions that I had. I would definitely use them again.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Antique Mommy said...

Those invitations are gorgeous. I would have picked them myself. When Antique Daddy and I were planning our wedding we fought over everything -- even cake for Pete's sake! Seven years later we are still happily married and still in an ongoing power struggle over important issues like cake - it's how we entertain ourselves. It's all good. I have a young friend who is getting married and I tell her that her wedding doesn't have to be big and fancy, but it does have to be memorable.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Those really are pretty invites.

A friend of mine gave me this gift, maybe you should do it too:

She bought a frame that can hold 2 pictures seperately, and in one frame it had our invitation, and the other a wedding picture. It's a nice way to remember the day and admire a piece of paper that probably cost a small fortune!


At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They look great!

I didnt have a wedding. We went to the JP and got married with out telling anyone. The only person who knew was my sister.

Glad you are feeling better.


At 6:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I seriously can't wait!!


At 12:46 AM, Blogger Lish said...

Those are beautiful invitaions!


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Lu said...

the invites are simply beautiful and so is that cake.


At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're beautiful. Why do postal workers sometimes have to be so pissy? Then again, I might be too if I had that job. Ha!


At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
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At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »
