Well hello, it's me. Yes it's been a while. I've been a bit overwhelmed. Motherhood is whipping my butt! I'm giving props to my mother who had 3 kids and worked and cooked and cleaned without the help of her husband. I'm lucky because Tom has been great with coming home from work and cooking dinner for us if it's been a difficult day for me. And he's great with Leo. He loves spending time with him alone so I can sleep or get a little pampering. It's so hard balancing work, baby, hubby & daily chores. I really wish my mom lived closer (like in NY state) so she could babysit! Leo is just sooooo cute which makes it all worth it. He's smiling a ton and laughing out loud. He loves his Johnny Jump Up & music. Everyday now he does something new which is very exciting.
We've been on the go lately. Traveling with baby in tow is an experience in itself. Lucky for us our little man loves the car. Thanksgiving in Virginia & Xmas in RI. Both holidays were mellow and fun. Leo has a few cousins around the same age in RI & watching them interact was interesting. Tom & I laughed out loud as cousin Ethan grabbed Leo's foot and began chewing on it. Leo did not mind a bit, in fact he thought it was quite funny. Tom & I think those two boys are going to be good friends.
We stayed in for New Year's and treated ourselves to a feast fit for a king. Alaskan King crab legs, champagne and yummy desserts. Hats, noise makers and a confetti bomb were nice touches. By three minutes past midnight I was already cleaning up the mess. And starting my diet to lose baby weight.
2008 was a very good year. The gift of our little boy was the highlight, but we also shared fun times with friends and family. Tom & I both took some career risks that were very scary but seem to be paying off. And we have our health. what more can one ask for? I'm very exciting about what 2009 will bring. So here's to you all & the new year. May it be full of joy and sweetness!!
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