Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We returned home last week from our glorious family trip. Please note that a" family trip" is very different than a vacation. In fact, many people will feel like they need a vacation after a family trip. I have to admit that it takes me a bit longer then it use to, to get back into life's groove after being away from home. Is this an age thing? Anyhoo... on to some Vieques details.

We stayed with some dear friends who have almost 3 yr old twin girls. They have been traveling to Vieques for many years & got married there. I have never been to any place quite like this before. I almost do not want to share any info about the island because I fear word will spread & it will change.

Vieques is a quick puddle jumper ride from the San Juan airport. There are 2 main towns, Esperanza & Isabel II. Esperanza is the beach town so most shops & restaurant are looking out onto the ocean. The other town is more city like & it's where banks & grocery stores are. We did not check out much in the city though it did seem to be some decent bars and restaurants.

I fell in love with Vieques' gorgeous, uncrowded beaches. Warm turquisoise water & white sand for miles and literally a few other people within eye shot. There's also a black sand beach (which we did not go to) & pretty rocky beaches as well. We spent most of our time in a cove that was perfect for the little ones.

Horses roamed free all over the island & geckos entertained the kids. Chickens wandered into our yard every morning to awaken us from our slumber. The backyard had lime, mango and cashew trees. There's something so nice about picking the limes you need to squeeze into a rum punch or on our chicken tacos.

Both ends of the island are protected nature reserves. We drove through the old military bases with lots of bunkers built into the hills. Many of the beaches in that area are now open to the public but the rest of it is completely untouched. And it seems that much of Vieques is just like that; untouched and under developed.

I know that my words are not doing this place justice, but I really liked it here and hope to go back. There's still so much to explore on this small island.

Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 9:07 PM 1 comments