Well hello all. Is anyone out there? I wouldn't be angry at all if you've abandoned my blog. I've not been a good friend. You have been on my mind, and I did write some amazing posts...in my mind..in the shower. Just didn't seem to make it onto the net. I will admit that I can not blame my lack of posts on the baby. It must be blamed on Facebook.
Facebook is very addicting. Now, I've never really taken many drugs, but I think that FB is kind of like crack. I can't help going on it over, over, & over! Some good has come out of it. I've reconnected with lots of long lost friends from Cranston & other parts of RI. I now can say hello to college pals & former co workers. And I can keep up with my sis & cousins. But, I'm now going to limit myself to only going on FB 3 times a day max. I swear! I can do it!!
So, to catch you all up on what Ive been up to these many months, here's a quick recap.
-I changed many poopy diapers
-Worked on a big, long term design/organizing project with a wonderful family near Columbia University (still finishing it up)
-Spent more than half of my day pumping my boobs, than feeding my boy, then pumping again
-Went on a much needed spa day
-Shopped for organic veggies at Trader Joe's
-Walked around in a zombie like state
-Spent a good deal of time cooking, pureeing & freezing baby food
-Got peed on while changing poopy diapers
-Had wonderful friends come to visit us with amazing food in hands
-Fretted over my C section scar
-Fantasized about going away to a fabulous hotel with the most comfortable bed & sleeping all weekend in that bed......alone!
-Had play dates with the lovely moms of Jackson Heights Summer Babies 08'
-Ate sushi for the 1st time in many, many months....hmmmmm.
-Interviewed many babysitters
-Had a lovely glass of champagne
-Pumped & dumped in order to have that glass of champagne
-Fired the babysitter & found 2 wonderful ladies to watch Leo
-Had a houseful of relatives in for a visit in December
-Had too many sleepless nights to count
-Traveled to RI for Xmas
-Decided to let the baby cry it out in order to have less sleepless nights
-I cried along side of him for 3 nights
-Traveled to VA twice
-Threw a big Margarita Sunday party
-Dressed Leo up in a poncho, sombrero & mustache for the Margarita Sunday Party
-Stubbed my toe after the party & it hurt so much!
-Began running & taking boot camp classes to get back into prebaby shape....OUCH this toe hurts!!
-Realized that even when your baby begins sleeping through the night, you probably won't because it freaks you out that you've not heard a peep from him in over 6 hours!!
-Maybe cooked a few dinners though Tom cooked way more than me.
-Found out that my toe was broken.
-Heard the most beautiful sound ever, "Mama" uttered by my then 6 month old
-Had to walk around in a very sexy boot for 8 weeks to help my broken toe heal
-Celebrated my BDay with a big night out with lots of friends
-Watched my baby scream from his 1st vaccine
-Planned a big Costa Rican family vacation
-Cleaned spit up off of almost every surface imaginable, including the TV, the rug & my butt
-Fought with Tom (baby stress + lack of sleep = fighting spouses)
-Discovered that I have magical powers to make my baby laugh out loud
-Missed my mom immensely
-Took naps in a hammock in Costa Rica
-Came back home to rain, rain and more rain!
So that's it in a nutshell. See, I've been a busy girl!
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