Monday, March 07, 2005

Cooking & "The Book"

I just got back from my weekend of cooking. Whew! I'm tired. Momma wanted me at her house at 7am on Sunday for our day of cooking!! I was able to talk her into a more reasonable time of 8:30am. Momma insisted that I wear an apron, which made us look like twins. We started with the chicken soup because it does take some time to make the stock. She even measured some ingredients for me. There is a God! We cleaned the broccoli rabe (also known as robbies) & sauteed it. Then we started on the pepper biscuits, a recipe that just isn't working for me. I compared the recipe my grandmother sent me with the one in her recipe box & the ingredient amounts were totally different. So, I followed what she called "the real recipe" to the letter & it still didn't work!!!! It seems as though she doesn't even write down the correct recipes for herself. She honestly does all of her cooking by taste, sight & smell. So, we think that "the real recipe" for pepper biscuits is somewhere in between the two.

My Aunt Jean let me take home "THE BOOK" so that I can photocopy the recipes that I want. There are many family favorites in it, as well as some recipes that I've never tried. My grandmother's gravy (pasta sauce) is in there & it's totally different then the one she gave me a few years ago. She said that she did perfect & change some things over the years & that the gravy recipe in "The Book" is the one her mother used to make.

All & all it was a good weekend. I was able to sit down with my Aunt & compare lots of recipes & adjust them (and boy, did they need some adjusting!) It also helped me to narrow down the recipes that will be in the book & decide which stories should go with them. We do have many funny family stories, but not all of them are appropriate for a cookbook.

The Robbies

Matching Aprons


Posted by Dawn Falcone @ 11:34 PM 4 comments



At 11:50 PM, Blogger Marilyn said...

Seeing the photo of "the book" reminded me of my first birthday here in the tropics. I had put kitchen stuff on my birthday list (since my parents always ask for one...and since I basically don't know how to cook! Bad Italian!) My stepmother sent me a wonderful package full of lots of stuff...including her copy of her favorite quiche cookbook (she's a wonderful cook) with her notes in the margins. And when I opened it, out fluttered two recipe cards written in my grandmother's she had given to my stepmother when she was first married to my Dad. It made my eyes instantly tear up when I saw Nanny's handwriting on those yellowed index cards...and I hadn't thought about them for awhile until I saw your "book." :)


At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you this weekend! Come home more so you can get your nephew to laugh!

your sis Kim

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